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Ways to Achieve Your Dream Career

Achieving your dream career after completing your school life can be one of the most important turning points in your life. In fact, you may be planning to change your current job because you are not satisfied. In either case, getting results can be daunting. However, you can overcome this situation if you act in a planned and patient manner. In order to reach your dream job, you must first realize the knowledge and skills you have and try to gain new ones. Then, by following the steps below, you can open a satisfying career path for yourself. 1. Identify Your Favorite Activities and Hobbies The most important step towards reaching your dream job or career is to identify the activities and hobbies you enjoy doing. In this way, you can determine what kind of work you like to do and in which field you want to progress. One of the most important tips to help determine your dream job is to focus on an activity that you enjoy doing despite all the obstacles. An activity that you continue...

How to Achieve Your Goals in 15 Steps?

how to achieve your goals, what methods can you use to reach your goals?

How to Achieve Your Goals in 15 Steps? 

The way to achieve your dreams is to use smart goal setting methods. First, you have to formulate your goals and make sure that your goals are realistic and measurable. In order to achieve your goals, you must also set small milestones and take your steps within a certain plan. So, how to achieve your goals, what methods can you use to reach your goals? Continue reading this article to learn more about smart goal setting methods.

1. Set Clear Goals

Be clear and realistic about the goal you want to achieve. Set goals that provide a balance in your life, make you happy, and benefit your family, loved ones and other people. Setting a clear goal helps you feel more likely and happier to achieve that goal. It is very important to split your goals into smaller sub goals. Thus, it will be easier for you to focus on your goals. Identify what you need to do to achieve your goals and every stage of your goals. For example; "I will learn a new language" is a general and ambiguous goal. Instead, it will be more specific and more applicable to set goals such as "I will learn English in 1 year". Besides, if there are multiple phases for your goals, be clear exactly when each should be accomplished. For example, when exercising, you must determine how long each phase will last.

2. Prioritize Your Goals

Trying to reach too many goals at the same time can be challenging. Besides, this method prevents you from completely achieving your goals. So, make sure you define what you really want to achieve and your priorities. Then write down your goals and number them in order of priority. Focus on 1 or 2 goals that are urgent and priority. It would be better to leave the others behind for now.

remember that it is very helpful to use motivational language when writing down your goals.

3. Write Down Your Goals

Once you have detailed your goals, write them down and make sure to set a deadline. So you can easily visualize your goals. Keep your goal list where you can see it very often during the day. This way, you're less likely to lose motivation to reach your goals. Besides, remember that it is very helpful to use motivational language when writing down your goals.

4. Review Your Goals Routinely 

You need to review your goals daily, weekly and monthly. Make sure to read your goals when you get up in the morning and before going to bed at night. Be sure to review the steps you take daily to achieve your goals. When you have completed a goal in your goal list, write it in the "achieved goals" section. You can get a good source of motivation by keeping the list of your achievements in this way.

5. Determine Your Needs to Achieve Your Goals

It is significant that your goals are realistic and achievable. You can sometimes set big goals for yourself. However, you should have enough knowledge about small steps that will get you to your goals. For example, you may have a goal to buy a new house or a car. You must determine how much money you need to have and how many savings you need to achieve this goal. If necessary, you should find ways to earn additional income.

Because, you can increase your performance with the help of visualizing your goals. You can make the visualization in 2 ways as process and result. When doing process visualization, think about the steps you need to take to reach your goal.

6. Try to Visualize Your Goals

In addition to your goals, you should definitely visualize the advantages you can gain as a result. Because, you can increase your performance with the help of visualizing your goals. You can make the visualization in 2 ways as process and result. When doing process visualization, think about the steps you need to take to reach your goal. For example, if your goal is to lose weight, visualize every step you need to take to achieve that goal. During the weight loss phase, be sure to visualize what foods you will avoid, how much you will eat and how much exercise you need to do. As you visualize the result, imagine that you have achieved your goals exactly. Take care to make this visualization as concrete and detailed as possible. How good does it feel to reach your goal? Who is around you to congratulate you? Are you proud of yourself? Visualizing these will significantly increase your goal motivation.

7. Make Sure Your Goals Are Measurable

It is very important that you set measurable goals to determine whether you are reaching your goals. So, brainstorm to achieve your goals. Search about what you need to do to achieve your goals. If your goal is to travel, you should save money, plan your annual leave, research the places you want to go and make the necessary reservations. However, be sure to try alternative ways to reach your goals.

8. Set A Deadline for Your Goals

You must create a realistic and measurable plan for your goals. So, set a deadline for achieving your goals. Give yourself enough time for the goal you want to achieve. Besides, when you set a deadline, you can be better motivated towards your goal. While setting your timelines, make sure that they fit your goal.

It is very important to make quick decisions and take the first step to achieve your goals. That's why you need to take the first step, without wasting any time, to reach your main goal.

9. Start Working For Your Goals Now

It is very important to make quick decisions and take the first step to achieve your goals. That's why you need to take the first step, without wasting any time, to reach your main goal. Try to reach your goals by taking few but continuous steps every day. These small steps increase your motivation to work towards your goal. For example, your goal may be to learn a new language, blog or lose weight. Remember that to achieve these goals, you have to accomplish small goals every day. Whatever your goals are, you should start right away and try to reach them by taking small steps.

10. Reward Yourself

Be sure to reward yourself for every goal you reach. Because, the human brain reacts more positively to reward systems. You can also give yourself a small reward for achieving a part of your goal. For example, if you aim to write regularly every day on your blog, you can reward yourself by listening to music with a coffee or taking a walk after writing your daily post. However, you should avoid punishing yourself when you disrupt your work towards your goals or fail to reach your goals. Behaving this way allows you to reach more than your goals.

11. Eliminate Situations that could Block Your Goals

While setting your goals, you need to eliminate situations that might hinder you. Otherwise, the difficulties you face may hinder your goals. For example, if you want to start a new business, you must have sufficient capital and complete formal procedures quickly. For this purpose, you can save money, borrow money if necessary, and conduct detailed research. If you have enough information about your goal, it will be easy to overcome the obstacles you encounter.

you should determine your goals in the long term and take small steps to achieve these goals.

12. Plan Your Goals as Long Term

Achieving goals often takes a long time. In fact, you have to deal with some difficulties during this process. Challenges allow you to recognize your shortcomings, improve your skills, and adjust as needed regarding your goals. You should also realize that your goals will not be achieved in a short time. So, you should determine your goals in the long term and take small steps to achieve these goals.

13. Revise Your Goals If Needed

The more flexible your goals are, the more easily you can adapt to unintentional situations. Because sometimes you may need to revise your plans for your goals. Don't hesitate to rearrange your goals and make new plans when necessary. Consider these situations that develop beyond your control as a stepping stone for new opportunities.

14. Get Support If Needed to Achieve Your Goals

It can be very difficult to reach some goals alone. So you can get help from family, friends or other acquaintances. You can reach your goals more easily and in a shorter time when you get the support of the surrounding people. Receiving positive feedback from your family or friends about your goals increases your motivation. Besides, you should always be open to constructive criticism and never lose motivation. On the other hand, you may encounter people who do not support your goals. However, keep in mind that there may be such criticisms as you try to reach your goals.

. By joining groups on various social media platforms and forums, you can take more effective steps towards your goals. Besides, there will be someone on these platforms to congratulate you when you reach your goals

15. Join Groups Suited to Your Goals

There may be other people in the world with similar goals to you. You can join groups of these people on social media. Thus, you can exchange information and experience about your goal with the people there. By joining groups on various social media platforms and forums, you can take more effective steps towards your goals. Besides, there will be someone on these platforms to congratulate you when you reach your goals.

Finally, remember that you can achieve your goals by constantly setting small goals, and you need to be patient until the end.


  1. Really well structured and helpful post!thank you for sharing!

  2. Great tips! I think a lot of people try to approach goal setting with good intentions, however, they quickly overwhelm themselves with too much. By prioritizing 1 or 2 goals with a set deadline, you are more likely to work through your list of goals in time than if you try to tackle them all at once.

    1. Thanks for your kind comment. Our brain programs itself according to goals. If we don't set goals, our brain becomes passive. But setting goals makes our brains more lively and motivated.


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