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Ways to Achieve Your Dream Career

Achieving your dream career after completing your school life can be one of the most important turning points in your life. In fact, you may be planning to change your current job because you are not satisfied. In either case, getting results can be daunting. However, you can overcome this situation if you act in a planned and patient manner. In order to reach your dream job, you must first realize the knowledge and skills you have and try to gain new ones. Then, by following the steps below, you can open a satisfying career path for yourself. 1. Identify Your Favorite Activities and Hobbies The most important step towards reaching your dream job or career is to identify the activities and hobbies you enjoy doing. In this way, you can determine what kind of work you like to do and in which field you want to progress. One of the most important tips to help determine your dream job is to focus on an activity that you enjoy doing despite all the obstacles. An activity that you continue...

What is the Growth Hacking? How to do Growth Hacking?

Launching new startups in the internet world is pretty easy at first. However, when you fail to meet the goals you set out in the beginning and don't get enough visitors, your positive thoughts about your startup may disappear. The concept that explains this situation is called growth hacking.

Launching new startups in the internet world is pretty easy at first. However, when you fail to meet the goals you set out in the beginning and don't get enough visitors, your positive thoughts about your startup may disappear. The concept that explains this situation is called growth hacking.

What is Growth Hacking?

What is growth hacking? Growth hacking is a concept that encompasses the whole of growth-focused strategies of start-ups, which are still in the beginning stages and aim to grow in a short time with a low budget. This concept was born in 2010, when Sean Ellis, founder and CEO of Growth Hackers, has emerged. People who carry out this activity are called Growth hackers. In general, these people who carry out online marketing activities try all the methods that work for their job. They frequently benefit from methods such as social media marketing, content marketing, mobile marketing, e-mail marketing and Google Analytics, especially SEO studies. These are effective methods that are also used by existing large entities.

How to do growth hacking? We can explain the techniques used in growth hacking as follows.

How to do Growth Hacking?

How to do growth hacking? We can explain the techniques used in growth hacking as follows.

1. Acquisition

The first step you need to take when doing Growth hacking is to announce your product or project. To identify potential users, you need to reach out to those who can use the product. You should promote your product by considering the wishes of these people. Besides, you should determine which ways you can reach more people. Later, considering these ways while advertising will provide you with significant advantages. Thus, you will save a significant amount regarding budget and time.

2. Activation

Once you have persuaded users to visit your website, you should try various ways to keep them on your site. You need to activate the target audience on your website. It is very useful to provide users with activities to be done on the website or to watch videos. You can also make your website interesting with in-site links, up-to-date articles and images.

3. Retention

In addition to people liking your website, you need to get them to come back to your website. For this purpose, you should send the e-mails of visitors to your website and send them informative e-mails and prevent them from forgetting your website. It is possible to show the e-mails that social media platforms report to your visitors as an example.

4. Referral 

As the number of users referring to your company increases, the trust in you increases. For this reason, it is very important that you get users to recommend your website. For example, you can offer users some campaigns that they will get when they recommend your website. This increases the rate of recommendation and recognition of your website.

5. Revenue 

The main purpose of all startups is to transform the work done into revenue. However, establishing an enterprise solely for gain will slow its growth rate. Also, it is wrong to focus on this eventual situation. According to the growth hacking concept, it is much more important to increase website traffic and ensure permanent visitors. Thus, it is easier to see users as potential happy customers.

How does growth hacking operate? The Growth hacking concept operates according to the following 3 techniques:

How does Growth Hacking Operate?

How does growth hacking operate? The Growth hacking concept operates according to the following 3 techniques:

1. Analyzing Data

Analyzing users is very important for the growth of your website. Growth hackers have enough knowledge of tools like Google Analytics, Kissmetrics, Mixpanel, and Hotjar to accomplish this. 

2. Review of the Technical Information

Ideas are quickly tested as your website grows. Later, the unsuccessful ideas are analyzed and errors are eliminated, and the implementation of the successful ideas continues. In this process, Growth Hackers must have a high level of technical knowledge.

3. Productive Thinking

The most important factor in the success of Growth Hackers is that they can find extraordinary solutions to problems. The way to achieve this is to have the ability to think productively.

Growth hacking is an effective concept that you should focus on in the digital world. Thus, it will be easier for you to stand and start new startups.


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