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Ways to Achieve Your Dream Career

Achieving your dream career after completing your school life can be one of the most important turning points in your life. In fact, you may be planning to change your current job because you are not satisfied. In either case, getting results can be daunting. However, you can overcome this situation if you act in a planned and patient manner. In order to reach your dream job, you must first realize the knowledge and skills you have and try to gain new ones. Then, by following the steps below, you can open a satisfying career path for yourself. 1. Identify Your Favorite Activities and Hobbies The most important step towards reaching your dream job or career is to identify the activities and hobbies you enjoy doing. In this way, you can determine what kind of work you like to do and in which field you want to progress. One of the most important tips to help determine your dream job is to focus on an activity that you enjoy doing despite all the obstacles. An activity that you continue...

Why You Should Write Down Your Personal Goals?

write down personal goals

The goal can be defined as the measurable result that is desired to be achieved. Goals are also destinations that emerge as a result of dreams.

It is very helpful to put it in writing when setting personal goals. Writing about your goal in detail will help you reach it more easily.

Writing down your personal goals will make you feel more confident on your journey to achieving your dreams. Thanks to this method, you can set realistic goals and make a more detailed planning.

You can take a variety of practical steps to write down personal goals. Some of these steps can be listed as follows:

1. Consider Your Life Purpose

When writing your goals, you should always consider your life purpose or dreams. Thanks to this method, you will be more likely to realize your dreams.

You can try to write down your ideas in detail about the areas where you want to improve yourself and make changes in your life. For example, writing down your goals for a variety of topics such as health, education, relationships, and finance helps you focus better.

In the beginning, it's okay to set many goals. Over time, you can make these goals more special.

2. Make Your Goals Specific

You can start to make your goals more specific in writing to achieve your dreams. Because, it is more beneficial to focus on less concrete goals for the person you want to be in the future.

You may have dozens of goals for your future. However, doing everything at once prevents you from focusing enough.

You should try to set as few and specific goals as possible. So, you can take steps towards more attainable and realistic goals.

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3. Include Details

The best thing about writing down your goals is that it makes it easy for you to master all the details. Thanks to this method, you can find answers to questions about why, when, how and where you will achieve your goals.

The first question you need to find the answer to when determining your goals is the why question. The most influential factor in achieving any goal is having a cause.

For example, let's say you want to learn a new language. Why do you want to learn this language? If you don't have strong reasons such as education, career or traveling to different countries, you may find it difficult to reach this goal.

Apart from why, you should make concrete plans for when, how and where you will achieve your goals. For example, you should develop definite plans to learn a new language, such as taking a course or going abroad, learning that language within a year and make them a written goal.

4. Break Your Goal Into Small Parts

The size of your goals can sometimes be intimidating. However, breaking it up into smaller pieces helps you achieve these goals.

For example, you can aim to pass an exam. Planning out all the subjects you need to study to pass the exam makes it easier to achieve this goal.

5. Make Sure Your Goals Are Measurable

One of the most important benefits of writing down goals is being able to determine if they are measurable.  In this way, you can understand how far you have come as you strive for your goals.

To achieve your goals, you need motivation and discipline. Therefore, you should work towards your goals regularly and review your progress from time to time.

When creating written plans for your targets, you should focus on actions rather than results. Because enjoying the process helps you achieve the results you want more easily.

6. Identify the Knowledge and Skills You Need

It is not possible to reach your personal goals without having some knowledge and skills. Writing down your goals allows you to easily determine whether you have these knowledge and skills.

Once you have identified the knowledge and skills required for your goals, you can make various plans to accomplish them. For example, if you want to be a speaker, you need to work on your public speaking and communication abilities.

7. Be Aware of Potential Obstacles

Everyone can face various obstacles on their journey to success. Recognizing your potential barriers at the beginning of your journey helps prepare for potential challenges.

In the process of reaching your goals, it is possible to encounter many barriers such as time, resources and money. For example, if you want to start your own business, you may encounter obstacles such as obtaining the necessary financing, renting an office or building, and making legal applications. 

If you write down your goals, you will see all the obstacles more clearly. So, you can set more precise steps to overcome these obstacles.

You may also lack knowledge and skills in your chosen field. In order to overcome these barriers in the process of reaching the goals, you should have written plans and review your goals at regular intervals.

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8. Have a Positive Attitude

Positive thinking helps individuals learn and develop more quickly. It's also helpful to have a positive attitude when writing down your personal goals.

Positive thinking stimulates parts of the brain associated with visualization, imagination, motivation, and empathy. In this way, you can feel more motivated to reach your goals.

9. Avoid Perfectionist Feelings

Perfectionism is one of the biggest obstacles to success. The main reason for this feeling is the fear of failure.

Many people avoid new businesses and ventures out of fear of failure. But this attitude prevents you from gaining new experiences about your job or your goals.

You should avoid being a perfectionist when writing and planning your goals. Otherwise, you may have to give up on most goals.

10. Take Action

One of the most important reasons people fail to achieve their goals is not taking action. That's why you should definitely take action after you have all your goals written down.

You must immediately take a step towards your goal, even if it is very small, without wasting time. So, your sense of progress is activated and helps you take on new tasks.

For example, let's say you decide to save and invest money. To achieve this goal, you must take action immediately and start saving and investing.

As a result, one of the quickest ways to achieve personal goals is to put them in writing. In this way, you can feel that you are getting closer to your dreams by taking planned steps for your goals every day.

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