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Ways to Achieve Your Dream Career

Achieving your dream career after completing your school life can be one of the most important turning points in your life. In fact, you may be planning to change your current job because you are not satisfied. In either case, getting results can be daunting. However, you can overcome this situation if you act in a planned and patient manner. In order to reach your dream job, you must first realize the knowledge and skills you have and try to gain new ones. Then, by following the steps below, you can open a satisfying career path for yourself. 1. Identify Your Favorite Activities and Hobbies The most important step towards reaching your dream job or career is to identify the activities and hobbies you enjoy doing. In this way, you can determine what kind of work you like to do and in which field you want to progress. One of the most important tips to help determine your dream job is to focus on an activity that you enjoy doing despite all the obstacles. An activity that you continue

How to Improve Memorization Skills in 14 Steps?

memorization skills

How to improve memorization skills? Some information may need to be learned by memorization in school or business life. 

The most effective way to achieve this is to try strategies that increase memorization. You can easily improve your memorization ability using the following 14 steps:

1. Remove Distractions

Before using memorization techniques, you need to remove the distractions. Keep distractions away from your surroundings while you memorize. 

Therefore, avoid multiple and distracting activities such as checking your social media accounts or texting with friends while memorizing something. Because, these will reduce your ability to focus.  

Put down your mobile phone, turn off the TV, and ask your family not to bother you while studying. If you have trouble focusing, try setting small goals and rewarding yourself by taking a short break each time you meet. 

For example, you can use the Pomodoro technique. While applying this technique, you can reward yourself by taking a 5-minute break after focusing for 25 minutes.

Also read:

2. Memorize by Writing

Memorizing by writing is one of the most effective methods that facilitates memorization. If you repeat the information you will memorize, your learning speed increases. 

You can also repeat the information you will summarize by typing the keywords and short notes you have previously taken. So, It is very easy to remember the information you have memorized.

memorization strategies

3. Summarize the Subject

It is important to summarize it among memorization strategies. Before you start memorizing any text or material, it's a smart way to shorten it. For this purpose, make a brief summary of each paragraph while reading the passage you want to memorize. 

Develop your own summarization method to gain a better understanding of the topic and to memorize some key terms and concepts. If necessary, continue reading, taking short notes and items.

4. Prepare Flash Cards

To increase your memorization skills, prepare worksheets with your own writing and browse them daily. Flash cards are a classic memorization tool. Write the topics you need to memorize on one side of your worksheet, and the details and their meanings on the other side. 

First, take a look at the front of the card, then check the information on the back to see if you remember this information. Repeat this process periodically for several days in a row. 

It is very useful to use memorization flashcards, especially when learning foreign language. You can easily save the words you want to memorize in your memory with this method.

Also read:

5. Divide Text into Small Parts

It is often very difficult to memorize long strings of numbers and words. If you need to memorize a long topic, break it down into small pieces.

Trying to memorize the subject you are going to study in paragraphs or sections of 3-4 sentences will make your job easier. You can also set keywords to keep each section in mind.

memorization method

6. Visualize the Subject

Visualize a subject you need to memorize so that you can easily learn it. Then associate the image you have created in your mind with the material you want to memorize.

This memorization method is also useful for memorizing people's names. If you need to memorize the names of your newly met colleagues, you can visualize an image that you can associate with each person's name.

7. Tell Yourself the Subject You Are Working on

While memorizing, read the subject you are studying aloud to yourself. Reading the subject aloud, explaining the concepts to yourself, and even occasionally commenting on the text while working will help you reinforce the topics you are working on. 

In addition, memorizing by telling yourself will make the information more permanent. Applying this technique especially in front of the mirror helps you get more effective results.

8. Record Your Voice

Recording your voice is one of the most effective memorization tips. You can learn any subject you want to study and memorize by recording your own voice. 

To do this technique, record the texts you find difficult to memorize in your own voice. You can memorize it much faster by listening to this audio recording on short trips during the day or in sports. 

Also read:

9. Test Yourself

Test yourself on the text or material you are working with. You can test any subject you have memorized by asking yourself questions. 

Try to remember the text or material without looking at your notes. If you can remember the information correctly without looking at the paper, then you have memorized it.

memorization tricks and tips
10. Tell Others What You Learned

Teaching a subject to others is one of the effective ways to memorize it. Once you are sure you understand and memorize the topic you are working on, try to explain or teach it to a friend or family member.  

According to the feedback you received from the person you told, you can try to memorize the missing parts again. This method is one of the useful memorization tricks that most people don't practice.

11. Repeat The Subject You Have Memorized Periodically

Memorizing something takes time and repetition. The more often you repeat it, the greater its permanence will be.  

Set aside a certain amount of time each day for the subject to be memorized and try to repeat it regularly. Repeat for a few days and then for a few weeks to consolidate the information you have memorized and not forget. 

On the other hand, the memorization time you will need will vary depending on the amount or length of the subject. Therefore, it is very important to make a memorization plan according to the difficulty level of the subject and to allocate enough time.

12. Make Sure You Get Enough Sleep

Regular and adequate sleep is essential for a strong memory and memorization ability. When you get out of bed rested and sleepy, you can perform much better at memorizing.  

To have a strong memory, take care to sleep for an average of 7-8 hours a day. Finally, remember that the information you have acquired after a quality sleep and the topics you have just memorized will remain in your memory much longer.

Also read:

13. Drink Green Tea

Some drinks are very effective on brain and memory development. One of these drinks is geen tea.

Studies show that green tea increases the cognitive function of the brain more than other types of beverages. Therefore, it will be very useful to consume a cup of green tea while doing memorization work.

Also read:

best exercise for memory

14. Exercise Regularly

What is the best exercise for memory? Almost every type of exercise is beneficial for memory.

That's why, exercise regularly to improve your memory and mental capacity. Try to exercise for 30 minutes, at least 5 days a week, to keep your memory in shape at all times.  

In fact, you can increase your brain's recall capacity by exercising right before you start memorizing. Even a short 15-minute walk will help increase your memorization ability.

Finally, keep in mind that developing a regular lifestyle and eating a healthy diet are very important factors to improve memorization skills. So, you can get much more efficiency than the memorization techniques above.


  1. Indeed a very informative piece of writing. Beautifully described here

    1. Thank you very much for your kind comment. The information in this blog is some basics that improve memory. In fact, there are different and more effective techniques. These can often vary from person to person.


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